We offer several party options here, but call us to customize a party for your event!
Little Lady Party
This party includes:
Fairy Dust Mini-Facials
Event Photos
Meditative Coloring Pages
Chair Massage
Zen Garden Activity
Food/Game Suggestions
Best for ages 6-8
Great idea for slumber parties!
5 guest minimum @ $75 each.
Circadia SWiCH Peel Party
The SWiCH Dermal Rejuvenation Party is for ladies who want to stave off aging while having a good time with their gal pals.
This treatment boosts the youthful activity in the cells and causes your skin to behave like younger skin. Best if done monthly, either at a party or in our studio!
3 guest minimum @ $115 each.
For detailed information go here: http://www.circadia.com/treatment/swich-epidermal-repair-system
Pumpkin Peel Party
The Pumpkin Peel Party includes a gentle (yummy) pumpkin peel along with face, neck and shoulder massage. We add a tingly foot scrub and massage for extra pampering.
Top this treat off with some relaxing chair massage, and your group is good to go!
4 guest minimum @ $85 each.